After the news about UoM charging a penalty fee to its students who failed in one or more than one module, I’m not quite surprised at the numerous responses this issue has evoked.
The fracas clearly shows the anger, frustration and hatred towards the university. The Mauritian blogosphere is resonating with outrage! I think I would be riding on a high horse too, but for totally different reasons. First and foremost I’d blame myself for not paying close attention to the fine prints on the agreement I appended my signature while registering for a particular course with the said university. Then I’d berate myself for not studying harder. And thirdly I’d make sure to find out why my lecturers are not as dedicated as my teachers from primary and secondary schools.
Hey! Wait a minute! Didn’t you know that a lecturer would NOT indulge any spoon-feeding tactics in classes! Exception in some cases. But still the job description of a lecturer is a subset of that of a teacher!
You cannot attribute your failure to anyone but yourself. University life represents the beginning of adulthood. Assume your responsibilities. Man up.
If the administrative body is ‘pulling tricks’ on you, you have the right to impugn the new rule and question the basis of such an exorbitant decision.
Take drastic measures if you feel you’ve been treated unfairly! Don’t sit in front of your computer screen and moan about it!
Get out there and fight for what you think is right.