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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Assassination of the English Language

0 Opinion(s)

Dear Diary

It just stopped raining. I am in my bedroom, drowning in my own sweat and thinking about this week’s events. One thing keeps nagging me. I’ll get back to that shortly.

First let me tell you how delighted I was to find a network of Mauritians diligently blogging and consequently, building a community where opinions are generously shared. Residing on the other half of the planet, I always take pride in imparting the fact that I’m from Mauritius. On this side of Earth, very few people know the existence of my small island in the Indian Ocean.

Anyway Diary, back on the nit-picking thought. I’m a sucker for any beautifully-written published article/document. I’m unquestionably impressed with the blogs composed by some of the Mauritians. It’s the way you write that, as a result, captures your targeted readers. However, my fussy eyes can’t go over misspelled words, plain grammatical bloopers, incorrect sentence structure and wrong tenses. No matter how alluring your article is.

One blog captivated my interest today and one tiny word ruined it for me: ‘scaring’ used as an adjective!! Ouch! What happened to ‘scary’?

Do not let it happen again. PLEASE. Make sure you know your adjectives and nouns before you start write.

This is not a hate blog, mind you Diary.

Please let me know if I’ve breached any syntax of the English language!

I come in peace.


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